25 years Commercial Construction Management experience. Heavy builder management training working with some of largest construction mangement comanies in United States. Below is list of competent areas of trainning and experience:
Pre-Construction Review - Review construction documents for completeness, logistics, AHJ standards, constructability, schedule, etc...
IFC Document Review - Review 100% construction documents for completeness, assist in Value Engineering (hospitality experience!), City standard for easement, Impact Fees, Permits, Right of Way, etc..
Buyout - Review Trade Partner qualifications, proposals for scope completeness, reference for similar projects and qualifications, etc..
Construction Phase - Schedule, Procurement, Document Control, Quality Control, Pay Applications review, MEPF/Low Voltage assist, Exterior Enclosure review and coordination, site logistics schedule and coordination, City Inspection Finals, City Fire Finals, TCO/Certificate of Occupancy etc...
Closeout - Warranty, Training, Completion List, Punch List, etc...